45 years ago in 1974 the classic animated special from Lutheran Television “The City That Forgot About Christmas” first aired in syndication. This quiet little film, animated on a lower budget, is one of the most beautiful animated specials in capturing the true meaning of Christmas.

With a wonderful cast it tells the story of a boy who’s grandfather (Sebastian Cabot) is able to let him know how important it is to remember the significance of the Christ child, and not the other things that detract from it just being a holiday. Charles Nelson Reilly, Louis Nye, Casey Kasem, Robie Lester, and Joan Gardner also lend their voices to this beautifully made film that stays with one for life. Most of all it has a gorgeous song which is sung by Sebastian Cabot with a chorus titled “You Can’t Stop Christmas” which captures everything the special is trying to tell.

Maybe one day the film will be remastered. Even though it won’t ever look incredible, it would be nice that a modern transfer would bring more attention to this little known, but timeless film.

“You can’t stop Christmas you’ll find there is no way.
You can’t stop Christmas that’s what the children say.
God became like one of us, a baby soft and warm.
You can’t stop Christmas, the day that Christ was born.”