“O Holy Night” sung by the great Enrico Caruso

“O Holy Night” sung by the great Enrico Caruso

A song a day keeps the coronavirus blues away:

Around 2015 I was coming home from being at the Christmas gathering I go to almost every year, and the radio was on as I turned on the car, the CD I had going off because of little problems that it has with cold weather (and at times in warm weather too!), automatically going to the radio.  I don’t listen to the radio, never caring for the idea of listening to what others choose to play, and caring for only a fragment of what would play on that station.

My father always had the classical station on, his love of classical music and opera being something that was incredibly important to him his whole life.  As I found out on the day he passed he was passing the halls of a building when he was in college and heard beautiful music.  He wondered what it was, and found out it was Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 in D minor, Op. 125.  His life was sealed from that day on in what he loved in music.
